So as I stated on Monday I signed up for this two week challenge.  I wanted to do it because I need something to push me and keep me focused.  If you aren't part of the Mamavation community you can check out the challenge here.  So let me just say it has been tough...the workouts are hardcore and I am just doing the beginner ones.   One day involved pushups, which I can only do on my knees and almost couldn't finish them.  The next day was all sorts of squats (which I did in a mirror which was as inspiring to do more as it was traumatic to see what I look like in sweats while squatting), and then it was abs.  After two c-sections and a lot of extra weight lets just say I have been ignoring my core and it was noticeable.  Plus, we had a rough day surrounding potty training my almost three year old and buying of new fish (what was I thinking buying and setting up a fish tank on a week night yikes). so I had to stop by ab workout 1/3 of the way in.  Well let me tell you in the past that would have been it.  I would have thrown in the towel and said I just can't do this, I can't make the commitment right now I am too busy.  But I didn't!

As tough as it was to make time to do two workouts last night (although they only take about 25-30 minutes each) I did it.  I had to say to myself this is tough...but I am tougher.  I am worth this and I can do it.  Let me tell you I almost quit....I almost didn't do all three rotations in the ab challenge because it was so hard.  BUT I DID IT!!!!!!  I know I sound like a kid who pooped on the potty for the first time, but it has been so long since I have really pushed myself.  Since I have made the decision to put myself first and to take charge.  Who knew joining an online challenge would be the thing that did it.  If I am being honest, I don't really care what it took.  I feel like I am really starting to realize that I need to make sacrifices to get healthy (I plan to post on this tomorrow or Tuesday) and that my overall health is worth it.  I also am realizing as I said in my last post I need to trust the process.  My weight hasn't changed much but my exercise has, next up is cleaning up the eating and then I know the weight loss will fall into line 

Is anyone else doing the challenge?  If so how is it going?  If you aren't in the challenge what keeps you motivated?
1 Response
  1. jennydecki Says:

    Pushups are HARD, but you're right, even when the scale doesn't move you're still doing good things your body deserves :)

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