Showing posts with label Piyo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piyo. Show all posts
It has been a long time since I posted...It has taken me awhile to settle into my new summer routine as a stay at home mom.  I also some how managed to book all our appointments and three different camps for the kids in the first few weeks of the summer.  Add on to that that I am taking a graduate course and helping write curriculum for a new course I am teaching and swim lessons every night for the kids for the last two weeks.  So basically I have been busier than I was before the school year got out.

As far my health I didn't mention it idea why but I sort of wanted to keep it quiet but I joined weight watchers just before April vacation.  I have been loosing and gaining the same five pounds and I am sort of sick of dicking around.  So recently I decided to try something else new to help stop by endless cycle of bullshit.  I decided to try the new Chalene Johnson PiYo video series and have been committed to tracking everything I am going to eat this includes my anniversary dinner and then a wedding we are going to this weekend.  I plan to do a separate post on what PiYo is all about soon.  Until then I am off to work on the above graduate class!  I hope all those who are still reading this very neglected mine are doing well!