Momma Hunt

American Wife-By Curtis Sittenfeld
  • Paperback: 592 pages
  • Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks (February 10, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0812975405
Part of my 2009-100 + Challenge

When starting to read Curtis Sittenfeld’s novel “American Wife” I quickly scanned the back cover and realized that it was a work of fiction based on a real first lady. So me being the history teacher, I need to immediately know who it was based on. After so quick scanning of the discussion questions, I found out....Laura Bush. BLAHHHHH. I am a very, very liberal person so I went into this book with a bad attitude. Yet I was pleasantly surprised.

I thought that this would be a more biographical piece, where it really was a work of fiction based loosely on a work of fiction. It gave great insight into the now famous incident in Bush’s early years where she was involved with a tragic accident. It also delves into the what it would be like for someone with no political aspirations to become such a high ranking person in American Politics. Although it was a quick and interesting read mostly focus on the main character’s youth and early marriage years, it did seem to go downhill in the last 150 pages. I felt that the book took on an almost whiney/whoa is me attitude at the end that for me took away from the books earlier tone. ALthough I did like this book and would give it a good rating (see below) it is highly political towards the left and I think that most people who were more conservative in their political views would not find this book to their liking and in some cases insulting. Overall, a decent summer read.

Kaylee book review rating ***
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4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for signing up for the 100+ Reading Challenges hosted at J. Kaye’s Book Blog. You'll need to create a post for the challenge/s on your blog to use for the URL in the Mr. Linky widget on the sign up page. In your post, include a link to this page. That way your viewers can find it and join. Feel free to use the Challenge button/s as well.

    Please don't simply put your blog's URL unless you've posted this information in the right sidebar of your blog with a link. The purpose is to help spread the word. Kind of hard if you don't leave bread crumbs on your blog for others to get here.

    If you have questions, please let me know. I'll help as best as I can. :)

    Have Fun!

  2. Momma Hunt Says:

    Well I just finished re doing the blog and tried to link everything up. I am working on a MAC at home and I am used to a PC so it has taken some getting used to, hopefully this is more what you were suggesting.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    WOW! Love the new look! How do you like it?

  4. Momma Hunt Says:

    I really like it, it is taking some getting used to. Once I figure out how I can put tabs at the top of the page as well which will be helpful not only for this blog, but the one I use with the my students during the year.

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